Variable Diameter Lateral Selection

2021-08-31 08:27 Irripro

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This is a calculation program that uses the length coordinate X~head loss hf curve to judge whether the reducing lateral   pipe you use is suitable or not.

If you want to know how to optimize the inner diameter of the segmented pipe (saving money!) The first section of pipe D=25 mm, the total length of Lt=100 m PE plastic pipe, the second section of pipe length L2=30 m, pipe diameter D2=20 mm, the third section of pipe length L3=30 m, pipe diameter D3=16 mm, micro nozzle spacing L=3 m, nozzle flow rate Qd (l/h)=50, its head loss is hf (m)~ position X (m) relation curve to see if it is in the area of a suitable pipe. You can change the pipeline parameters and then perform calculations. After entering the data, click [Calculate].

Note: Q= *** is the flow through the pipe section, → the front is the   velocity. At the water inlet, the flow at X=0 can be used to calculate the design flow of the lateral pipe.

Please click [Calculate]!

Pipe material -

Head loss coefficient along the lateral f :

Flow index m :

Diameter index b :

Inner diameter D(mm):

Flow of single emmiter   Qd (l/h):

Total length of Lateral Lt (m):

Height difference between inlet and End of lateral dH (m):

Emmiter spacing L (m):

Emmiter working pressure H (m):Its 20% is the maximum allowable head loss value.

Diameter of the second section D2 (mm):Length L2 (m):

Diameter of the third section D3 (mm):Length L3 (m):