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If you want to know how to optimize the inner diameter of the segmented pipe (saving money!) The first section of pipe D=25 mm, the total length of Lt=100 m PE plastic pipe, the second section of pipe length L2=30 m, pipe diameter D2=20 mm, the third section of pipe length L3=30 m, pipe diameter D3=16 mm, micro nozzle spacing L=3 m, nozzle flow rate Qd (l/h)=50, its head loss is hf (m)~ position X (m) relation curve to see if it is in the area of a suitable pipe. You can change the pipeline parameters and then perform calculations. After entering the data, click [Calculate].
Note: Q= *** is the flow through the pipe section, → the front is the velocity. At the water inlet, the flow at X=0 can be used to calculate the design flow of the lateral pipe.
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Pipe material -
Head loss coefficient along the lateral f :
Flow index m :
Diameter index b :
Inner diameter D(mm):
Flow of single emmiter Qd (l/h):
Total length of Lateral Lt (m):
Height difference between inlet and End of lateral dH (m):
Emmiter spacing L (m):
Emmiter working pressure H (m):Its 20% is the maximum allowable head loss value.
Diameter of the second section D2 (mm):Length L2 (m):
Diameter of the third section D3 (mm):Length L3 (m):